Please find below an overview of our most frequently asked questions regarding the return and refund/replacement policy with their answers.

If your question is not here, feel free to contact us at or use our contact form.

When you are eligible for a full refund or a product replacement?

As a customer, you have the right to be refunded or receive a replacement if there’s a problem with your order, and below you will find when you are eligible for a full refund or a product replacement:

  • If you have received the wrong product/size/color, of what you have ordered.
  • If you received a broken, damaged, or not working product (photos should be provided).
  • Your order was lost during transit.
  • You canceled your order before we have shipped it.
  • If we have an out-of-stock of your chosen product.
  • If you haven’t received your product after 45 days of ordering.

When you are not eligible for a refund or a product replacement?

We do not offer any refund or replacement in these cases:

  • If you received the correct product, but have changed your mind.
  • If you no longer need the product you have ordered.
  • If you have made a mistake during your ordering (wrong product/size/color/address), but you haven’t contacted us before we ship, we ship usually between 1 to 3 days.
  • If you haven’t received your order yet but the package is still in transit, and your order date doesn’t exceed 45 days.
  • You have received a damaged, broken, or not working product but you haven’t contacted us within 30 days of the delivery date.

How do I place a return or exchange?

We’re sorry to hear that there’s a problem with your order. Please reach out to with your order number and the products you’d like to exchange or return, and we’ll take care of the rest.

Help! I can’t find my return slip.

Don’t worry Lessw Shop packages don’t include return slips. Just reach out to and we’ll help you place your return or exchange.

What’s your return policy?

All returns must be processed within 30 days frame time of receiving your order. If you are eligible for a return, refund, or replacement you should contact us as soon as possible within your 30 days satisfaction period guarantee, otherwise we can not process your return refund or replacement. Please reach out to contact us at

Order # must be provided to place a return, and you will be refunded in full to your original form of payment if you are eligible.

Please note, your original shipping charges are not refunded if there are ones.

How long does it take to process a return?

When we receive a returned package we need 1 to 3 business days to process it and validate a full or partial refund or replacement.

The credit card refunds usually take 5-10 business days to appear on your statement, PayPal 1 to 3 days.

What should I do if I receive the wrong product?

If you received a product different from the one that you ordered, sorry about that! Please contact us at and we’ll find a solution for this inconvenience.

What is your return address?

Before starting any return please contact us at and we will provide you our R&D address where you can send the package so we can check it to improve the quality of our products and validate your refund or replacement.

NOTE: These Terms are applied for orders made through our website only

Contact information

Contact form: Click here
Phone: +1 206-656-1355
US Address: 304 S. Jones Blvd #5079 Las Vegas, NV 89107 USA